Sunday, January 27, 2008

Blog A

Technology is fast becoming a focal point in students' lives. I am often amazed at how much young children know about computers and other such technology. Students know technology, so shouldn't teachers be using what students know to teach them what they need to know? If a teacher can incorporate the things students use everyday, such as Ipods, cellphones, laptops, the internet, etc., their lessons would become that much more effective because the students would not only be better able to relate to it, but they would be able to incorporate prior knowledge of the technology being used giving them confidence in what they can do as well as keeping them more interested in the subject matter. It is very important for educators to stay up to date on the latest technologies so that they can keep their classroom engaging and enriching.

Teachers are constantly claiming that students do not read enough but considering the number of emails, text messages, blogs, and websites students look at on a regular basis, I would say they read quite a bit, just not necessarily what the teacher want them to read. In order to change this it is the responsibility of the teacher to find new ways to engage the student that incorporate what they already know and are interested in, because this will ensure that a larger percentage of the material is meaningful for the students. There may be many types of learners in a classroom but, like the video states, most students, no matter what other type of learner they are, are also digital learners. Technology is a part of their lives, something they have been around longer that they can remember. Teachers need to take this into account and accommodate the changing society that requires students to be involved in technology.

I do think that many students spend too much time in front of a television or on the computer but it does not need to be all negatives if the information they are gleaning from this technology can be integrated into the classroom in a positive way. For instance, a majority of students have ipods or some type of mp3 player on which they can play podcasts. Why not post podcasts or find existing ones that relate to whatever they are learning in school that they can then go home and share with their families or write a response to or even post their own podcast in response to it. Using the technology they already use on a regular basis to teach them what you want them to learn is going to apply the new material to their own lives and maybe even understand the importance of learning it.

While classrooms may not be ready for such projects as the text messaging assignment suggested in the video (receive a text from someone outside the classroom…) because this would not only require a complete change in the “no cellphones in class” rule teachers have become so used to, it would also require that all students in the class have a cellphone with text messaging capabilities. Not to mention this would probably end up disrupting other classrooms wherever the recipient of the assigned message is. So while all integration of technology may not be a good idea, it is feasible and highly beneficial to use technology for the betterment of classroom learning and understanding.


Elizabeth G. said...

This was a good blog to read because you could tell you really grasped the concept that technology is good only in certain doses really. I think we both agree that teachers could find new interesting ways to integrate the technologies that students use so much everyday into their lesson plans to engage students more often. Good job :)

Johanna Prince said...

Great post, Cassandra you have clearly done some interesting thinking about how to make effective use of technology.